Carbone's Fun Facts

Settling the family debate of “what-to-eat” since 1954


Whatever form your family takes, we have the choices, convenience and the quality to satisfy every taste and tastebud. Choose from our renowned pizza, hearty hoagies, scrumptious salads, and much more. We serve customers happy, and we’d like you to be next.


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Since 1954. We’ve used enough cheese to cover Wisconsin — Again.


Did you know that the native word for cheese is, “Wisconsin?” Well, it’s not, but it should be. At Carbone’s, we celebrate Wisconsin cheese and the Wisconsinites who create it. And, we use a lot of it.

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Since 1954. We’ve laid down more pepperonis than Vegas has chips — Probably.


People love pepperoni, and so do we. We slice only the finest quality “pep” for our pizzas. Do we toss them on all willy and nilly? Heck no. We are Pepperoni Perfectionists. There’s a delicate art to pepperoni placement in order to maximize each bite. But mainly, we put a lot on.

Since 1954. We’ve square-cut enough pizza to circle the earth — Nearly.

We understand the math, we really do — but square-cut ensures that every bite contains every topping. And, it tastes delicious. Don’t be burdened with logic — just go with us on this one.

Since 1954. We’ve made enough sauce to fill Lake Superior — Roughly.

Our sauce recipe is a cherished family secret, and no matter how hard you tickle us, we’ll never tell. The point is, Carbone’s Pizzeria sauce is special and the people love it.  We’ll keep cooking it up and pouring it on.

Since 1954. We’ve served enough pizza to cover Greenland — Mmm, cold pizza.

Greenland is one enormous land mass. By our calculations, we’ve resurfaced it with Carbone’s Pizza at least once. This simply illustrates (yes, in an odd way) the sort of experience nearly 70 years of pizza-making can provide.

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